An led driver for led strip is an electronic device used to adjust the power of LEDs or one or more strings of LED. LEDs are solid-state semiconductor devices that are filled or doped with layers to create p-n junctions. When current flows through the doped layer, holes from the p region and electrons from the n region are injected into the p-n junction.
They recombine to produce photons of our visible light. The conversion from current to light output is almost linear, and increasing the input current can generate more photons.
Compared with conventional light sources powered by alternating current (AC) power, LEDs rely on DC input or modulated square wave input to work. It is necessary to supply the LED lamp with a constant DC current provided by a fixed output or a variable output within the allowable range to achieve stable and flicker-free lighting.
The 250w led driver provides an interface between the power line and the LED load, and converts the input 50 Hz or 60 Hz AC line power at 120 volts, 220 volts, 240 volts, 277 volts or 480 volts into a regulated DC output current.
The LED driver circuit should have the ability to resist voltage spikes and other noise on the AC line within the predetermined design range, and should also filter out the harmonics in the output current to prevent them from affecting the output quality of the LED light source. Drivers can not only convert circuits, some types of 100w led driver dimmable also have additional electronic devices that can achieve precise control of light output or support smart lighting.
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