led driver constant current are designed to specify a range of output voltages and a fixed output current (mA). LEDs rated to operate on constant current drivers require A specified current supply, usually in milliamperes (mA) or amperes (A).
Constant current LED drivers have similar power ratings, but have fixed amplifier (a) or milliampere (MA) values for voltage or maximum voltage range. LED equipment shall display its power requirements and rated voltage and current range. If it is only led, current control must be carried out to prevent led thermal runaway.
led driver constant voltage usually have fixed rated voltage of 5V, 12V, and 24V, or some other rated voltage, current range, or maximum current. The constant voltage driver is designed for a single direct current (DC) output voltage.
The most common constant voltage drive (or power supply) is 12VDC or constant voltage led driver 24v. An LED lamp with a constant rated voltage usually specifies the amount of input voltage required for normal operation.
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